“A large number of jobs for middle-aged and elderly laborers are in traditional manufacturing and service industries, while younger people mostly engage in emerging industries such as IT, finance and innovation. Although there is some overlap between these sectors, there is little competition between older and younger generations for positions.”
Peng Xizhe, director of Fudan Institute on Aging, in a recent interview with the Shanghai Observer
“Today, synergistic effects continue to drive economic growth in Asia. China’s advancement toward a unified market and institutional openness will be a highlight of this summit, influencing China’s future development through trilateral cooperation.”
Sun Lijian, director of the Finance Research Center at Fudan Development Institute, discussing the China-JapanSouth Korea Leaders’ Meeting
“New quality productive forces require theoretical exchange, technological cooperation and contact among personnel. Closed systems only lead to stagnation... Advancing new quality productive forces requires deeper institutional reforms and greater openness. Otherwise, productivity may be high in quality but lacking in vitality.”
Liu Xiaochun, deputy director of the Shanghai Finance Institute (SFI), writing for think tank China Finance 40 Forum in late May
“China has repeatedly stressed that the international peace conference needs to meet the three important elements, namely, recognition from both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans. As far as China is concerned, the meeting does not yet seem to meet these three elements and that is exactly why China would not be able to take part in the meeting.”
Mao Ning, spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on why China refuses to attend the Summit on Peace in Ukraine organized by Switzerland at a press conference on June 3
“Reports on television and social media about the pains of childbirth, the exhaustion of parenting, the stress of education, impact of childbirth on women’s figures and remaining youthful, exaggerated by online comments expressing negative sentiments about marriage and childbearing, have adversely affected young people’s views on marriage, parenting and family, further intensifying fears surrounding these issues.”
He Dan, director of the China Population and Development Research Center and head of Population and Health magazine, urging for increased positivity in discussions about parenting to help in alleviating China’s declining birth rate
“If I understand this correctly, the aim of new quality productive forces is to enhance overall factor productivity. Therefore, all industries have potential to develop these forces.”
Yao Yang, director of the China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, writing for newspaper Beijing Daily in late May
“Whether through AI or human ghostwriters, it is unlikely that such theses will meet the originality standards for doctoral dissertations. If these theses manage to slip by review, it’s not just the students who need to do some reflecting.”
Liu Zao, a commentator for news portal The Paper, on the rampant ghostwriting of academic theses on university campuses and calling for thesis review and examination reforms
“How did this absence of popular figures come about? There are many factors, but among them, quite ironically, is that it’s the doing of the public itself... People raise their pitchforks, endlessly tear each other down, scrutinize without end and aggressively assert their positions, with each group presenting their own justifications and versions of right and wrong.”
Author Wang Xiaolei on his WeChat account about how public intolerance and divisiveness have contributed to the current lack of vibrant public figures