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Dubbed China’s Barbie, feminist comedy Her Story has taken the country by storm with its witty exploration of contemporary gender dynamics and urban female relationships

With China’s ultrashort-drama industry facing fierce competition, creators are tapping a new audience: middle-aged and senior citizens. However, this addictive format has got many of them spending more than they realize

Time-honored brand Pien Tze Huang is expanding the global presence of TCM by exporting its flagship product to international markets, while also promoting Chinese medical culture on a global scale

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Oscar-winning art director and costume designer Tim Yip speaks with NewsChina about his recently published autobiography, his decades-long creative journey for screen and stage, and his vision of ‘New Orientalism’

The acclaimed documentary film The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru unveils a long-buried truth of a tragic shipwreck during World War II, telling a true story about atrocity, suffering, trauma and humanity

Latest blockbuster Upstream highlights the harsh realities of the country’s delivery and gig workers, sparking debate over its portrayal of the working class