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Protection aims to ensure the preservation of heritage.

By NewsChina Updated Oct.1

Protection aims to ensure the preservation of heritage. However, protection alone is not enough. If we restore an ancient structure and then lock it away from the public, it may decay even more quickly. Similarly, focusing only on utilization can be detrimental. Misusing cultural heritage for profit can lead to the destruction of cultural resources."  

Shan Jixiang, former Palace Museum curator, writing for People’s Daily on July 1

“China is transitioning from a major sports country to a strong sports nation. Although we are still behind the world’s top level in some events, we must not fall behind our competitors and predecessors in sportsmanship.”  

Wang Dazhao, senior People’s Daily sports journalist, writing for the Global Times on July 27

“A major driving force for the future Chinese economy will continue to be the virtuous circle of ‘technology – industry – finance.’ This involves using modern financial tools to support the real economy, increasing the proportion of direct financing and aiding startups focused on technological innovation. This is how the financial sector contributes to a stronger economy.”  

Xu Weihong, vice president of Yongxing Securities, in his article for the Global Times on August 1

“As the relative importance of capital accumulation declines, and returns on investment continue to fall, more must be done through policy changes to support consumer spending. For policymakers, this means not only channeling more income and transfers toward households, but also increasing subsidies or free in-kind transfers to them.”  

Zhang Jun, director of Fudan University’s School of Economics, in his article “Why Is China’s Consumption Rate So Low” for media platform Project Syndicate on July 16

“Positive and negative lessons of China-Philippines relations in recent years have proved time and again that it is not easy to build good relations, but it is easy to destroy them. At present, China-Philippines relations are facing serious difficulties and challenges, which are rooted in the fact that the Philippine side has repeatedly violated the consensus of the two sides and its own commitments, continuously pushed the infringement of rights at sea and magnified the speculation of public opinion... If the Philippines introduces the US intermediate missile system, it will create regional tension and confrontation, triggering an arms race, which is totally not in line with the interests and aspirations of the Filipino people.” 

Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi during his meeting with Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo in Vientiane, Laos on July 26 

“If AI life companions continue to blur the boundary between the virtual and real worlds, leading users to rely on them so deeply that they regard them as real humans, these companions may actually end up harming the users.”  

Liang Zheng, professor at the Institute for AI International Governance, Tsinghua University, in a recent interview with Science and Technology Daily 

“In the era where online attention is everything, maintaining the appeal of a local cuisine and turning it into a commercial success requires more than just public acceptance, quality and competitive pricing. It also involves integrating the cuisine into local culture and adopting effective methods to expand business.”  

Li Chang’an, researcher at the Academy of China Open Economy Studies, University of International Business and Economics, in an interview with the Global Times published on July 20 

“China is no longer in an era when gold medals are highly valued. People now have a more relaxed attitude toward wins and losses, so our athletes need not feel excessive pressure and worry too much about public comments. In other words, athletes should not fear being ‘tortured’ by public opinion but should instead learn communication skills from their predecessors and find ‘gold’ and ‘treasures’ amid the criticism.”  

Xiao Zheng, columnist with news portal guancha.cn, on how athletes should handle public comments during the 2024 Paris Olympic Games
