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China Urges UN Membership for Palestine

Fu Cong, China’s standing representative at the United Nations (UN) said on May 10 that China supports the UN Security Council reconsidering Palestine’s application to join the UN as soon as possible.

By NewsChina Updated Jul.1

    Fu Cong, China’s standing representative at the United Nations (UN) said on May 10 that China supports the UN Security Council reconsidering Palestine’s application to join the UN as soon as possible. Fu’s remarks followed an emergency special session of the 10th UN General Assembly where countries present passed by an overwhelming vote a resolution to recognize Palestine’s qualification for full UN membership and a recommendation that the Security Council reconsider its application. 
    Hamas-controlled Gaza has been under military attack by Israel since it launched attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023. Gaza’s health department said the death toll in the territory has exceeded 35,000 with some 80,000 injured. On April 18, Palestine’s application to the UN was vetoed by the US at the Security Council.  
    Fu attributed the long-lasting PalestineIsrael conflict to the failure to implement the two-state solution, saying that supporting and advancing the independence of Palestine as a sovereign state provides a strong guarantee for implementing the two-State solution and achieving lasting peace in the Middle East.  
    Fu noted that promoting the implementation of the two-State solution is a shared responsibility of all UN members and urged relevant countries not to create obstacles for Palestine’s membership to the UN.  
    Fu expressed confidence that one day Palestine “will become a full UN member and enjoy full and equal rights in the UN like other member states.” 