Zhang Guimei, the dedicated principal of Huaping High School for Girls, a tuition-free school open to impoverished girls in mountainous Yunnan Province, has achieved a remarkable feat by sending about 2,000 female students to college and university over the past 15 years. The transformative journey began in 2011, when the school’s inaugural cohort, many of whom might otherwise have become junior high dropouts, secured admissions to higher education institutions beyond the challenging terrain of their homeland. Armed with quality education, these students have gone on to pursue careers as doctors, teachers and nurses, breaking barriers and achieving aspirations previously deemed unimaginable for their local peers. According to the northeast-born headmaster, who is severely ill but still works from dawn to midnight, girls with expanded horizons can uplift their families and future generations from impoverishment. Zhang said she will never regret her deeds even when death approaches. Now, her story has been immortalized on the big screen.