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“The ‘red health code’ incident is truly abominable, since it showed how some officials believe they are above the law. This problem is becoming more prominent now.”

By NewsChina Updated Sept.1

The ‘red health code’ incident is truly abominable, since it showed how some officials believe they are above the law. This problem is becoming more prominent now.” 
Hu Xijin, former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, on accusations that the government of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, attempted to thwart bank runs and protests involving 1,300 people at four rural banks by changing their Covid-19 health codes from green to red, which would force them into quarantine. 

“Investment, green consumption and potential trade are three factors driving current economic growth. For example, investment in low carbon occupied one-sixth of the total social investment in 2021, and investment in renewable energy is expected to generate five million jobs in five years, a figure projected to rise to 10-20 million by 2050.”  

Zou Ji, president and CEO of Energy Foundation China at a forum about green development and low emissions held by China News Service in Beijing on June 30

“In the second half of the year, economic policy should prioritize livelihood and employment, focusing on people's income, consumption and employment. While securing growth recovery, the policy should maintain consistency, prevent major risks, nurture major growth highlights and unleash more new growth momentum"  

Liu Dian, associate research fellow of the China Institute, Fudan University, commenting China’s economy which grew 2.5 percent year-on-year for the first half of the year, in an interview with China National Radio on July 16

“Where globalization will head depends on the battle between market and political logic. Globalization is not objective and natural. It’s based on political intentions. Its current decline is because of changes in the political intentions of some countries.”  

Wu Xinbo, director of the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University, at the 8th annual China and Globalization Forum held by the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing from June 19 -21

“Employment has declined since the Covid-19 pandemic first broke out in 2020, and there are significant differences between groups. People with lower levels of education and less work experience have been most seriously affected.”  

Liu Guo’en, chair professor at Peking University (PKU), at a forum about China’s economic development held by PKU’s National School of Development in Beijing on June 8
“International experience and academic research show that the carbon tax is the strongest and clearest signal of price and government intention. It is the most important signal and incentive mechanism to promote technological innovation, support economic restructuring and promote corporate upgrading and personal consumption behavior.”  

Zhu Min, director of the National Institute of Finance, Tsinghua University, calling for a carbon tax at the 2nd ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) Global Leaders’ Summit held online by Sina Finance and CITIC Press Group from June 28 -30  

“What we need to learn [from the Russia-Ukraine war] is how to ensure our self-sufficiency while maintaining economic engagement and connections with the rest of the world.”  

Shao Yu, chief economist at the Shanghai-based Oriental Securities, talking about the influence of the ongoing war in a video interview with China News Service in late June  

“It’s better to reclassify injuries to criteria that are more understandable for the public than to keep having to explain what the law defines as minor injury every time the public cast doubt on expert testimony.”  

Zhang Yuxia, senior partner of the Shanghai SUNHOLD Law Firm, appealing to China’s lawmakers following public outcry after court appointed medical examiners determined the four women who were violently attacked by a group of men at a restaurant in Tangshan, Hebei Province in early June had “slight and minor injures,” in a recent interview with news portal guancha.cn  

“China’s present manufacturing lacks competitiveness in productive services -- we have to buy other countries’ materials and chips and then use our cheap labor and land resources to make products and sell them to countries with spending power. It’s like making someone else’s wedding dress. We should not continue a development model where both resources and market are outside the country.”  

Sun Lijian, director of the Financial Research Center, Fudan University, writing for the 21st Century Business Herald in late June