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Media Focus

Female Scientists Reshape Outdated Landscape

South Reviews June 17, 2024

By NewsChina Updated Sept.1

Since China’s emergence from its prevalent patriarchal society, a constellation of modern Chinese female scientists became instrumental in the nation’s rejuvenation. Liberated from centuries-old practices such as bound feet, affluent Chinese women defied societal norms by pursuing scientific careers. Prominent figures like physicist Chien-Shiung Wu, who contributed to the WWII Manhattan Project at the invitation of J.Robert Oppenheimer, exemplify this transformation. Today, the ranks of female Chinese scientists, including Nobel laureate phytochemist Tu Youyou and life scientist Yan Ning, number 40 million, comprising 45.8 percent of the total. Despite persistent social biases and family-centric pressures, female scientists have achieved near parity with men in scientific discourse, owing to their resilience and meticulousness. Their contributions underscore not only their individual achievements but also their pivotal role in advancing scientific research and shaping China’s modern scientific landscape.